DIY Donut Stand | Perfect Display for a Donut Bar at Parties and Events

Learn how to make a colorful DIY donut stand for your next donut themed party! It's the perfect creative way to display donuts on a donut bar at parties and events, like weddings, bridal showers and baby showers.

If you want to incorporate donuts into your baby shower food or as a special treat at a wedding, you’re probably wondering how to display the donuts so they look look but are also easy for your guests to grab.

Today I’m sharing a very easy solution for this donut display problem – a DIY donut stand!

Although our DIY donut stand is relatively small because we were hosting a small donut themed baby shower with a donuts and diapers theme, you can adjust this tutorial to create a donut stand in whatever size you want.

I got the inspiration for this DIY donut stand from way back when I planned the woodland baby shower food at this baby shower. We created something similar to display our s’more on a stick with a foam block and covered it with moss (instead of the fabric like I used on this DIY donut display).

DIY donut stand with donuts standing on sticks with tiny statement flags on top of the table with text overlay that says How to Make a Donut Stand.

Ready to learn how to make this super cute DIY donut display??

Donut stand on a pink party table with different kinds of donuts on sticks

Materials for the DIY donut stand:

Step 1: Cut foam block for base of donut stand.

Cutting the rectangular foam block into half to create a DIY donut stand

Depending on what size foam block you find, this step may not be necessary. I purchased a square block, cut it in half and hot glued it stacked together for a more rectangle shaped thick foam block.

I used a simply serrated knife to the cut the styrofoam block and it worked great. It was pretty messy though – so be sure to down a bag or some paper for easy clean up.

Step 2: Wrap foam block with donut patterned fabric.

Foam block wrapped in a fabric with different donut designs for the base of the do it yourself donut display

Wrap the donut patterned fabric around the styrofoam block and use a simple triangle fold on the corners, just like you would use if you were wrapping a present. Secure the fabric to the foam block with hot glue.

Step 3. Make X’s for donut sticks.

Marking the fabric on top of DIY donut stand with x using a xacto knife for the candy sticks to hold donuts

Make small x’s using an xacto knife in the fabric where you want the sticks for the donuts to go. Make as many x’s as you want, but keep in mind that the donuts will need to have enough room around the donut so they don’t bump into each other.

Step 4:  Add donuts on the DIY donut stand.

Donuts on stick standing on the finished DIY donut stand with colorful donut printed fabric

Put your donuts on the candy sticks and then place them in the holes on the block.

Variety of donuts with flag signs made with washi tape and toothpicks

To add even more color and character to you donut display, you can create these fun donut flags with washi tape and toothpicks! Are they fun?!

On this little donut flags I wrote these fun sayings:

  • DONUT worry, be HAPPY!
  • Pick me! Pick me!
  • It’s DONUT time
  • OH Baby!
  • You get extra sprinkles
  • DONUT be shy!
  • Yay!

The donuts look irresistible on this DIY donut stand. This donut display will be the talk of your next party!

Full view of the donut stand with variety of donuts on top sitting on a pink table with confetti table scatter
DIY donut stand in the center of the baby shower food table along with other party foods like orange juice, mixed berries, cups and stirrers and spoons

Need more baby shower ideas?

How To Make A DIY Donut Stand

How To Make A DIY Donut Stand

Yield: 1 Donut Stand
Active Time: 30 minutes
Total Time: 30 minutes
Difficulty: Easy
Estimated Cost: $25

Learn how to make a colorful DIY donut stand for your next donut-themed party! It's the perfect creative way to display donuts on a donut bar.




  1. Cut foam block for base of donut stand.
  2. Wrap foam block with donut patterned fabric.
  3. Make X's for donut sticks.
  4. Add donuts to DIY donut stand.
  5. Optional: Add mini flags with toothpicks and washi tape.

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